第5回 現存被曝状況*から、現存被曝状況へ entre deux situations d'exposition existante

Ryoko Ando et Jacques Lochard
























 また、あなたは〔セミナーの〕発表の中で、日常生活を再び構築し直すために、測定と対話が鍵となる、そうすることで、その地域の住民各自が自らの志向や願いを手放さずに、暮らし・生活を営んでいく自由を手に入れることができる、と言っていましたね。この点、私も深く同意します。私の経験では、このプロセスは、〔個人のコミットメントだけでは不十分で〕コミュニティ(共同体)の関与が不可欠です。放射線防護文化を構築するためには、個々の住民のスキルや経験の蓄積が重要であることはもちろんですが、同時に、放射線防護文化は共通善(common good)なのです。この点、あなたが長く関わってきた末続すえつぎ地区での活動は、個人と集団の両方〔のはたらき〕をよく示す例だと思っています。








Dear Ryoko,
Two months have already passed since receiving your last letter. I guess the cherry trees have completed their flowering period now in Fukushima. I received a few days ago a message from Mrs. Nakai entitled "A new spring" in which she informs me of her recent activities and I remembered the pictures of cherry trees she sent me last year last at about the same time when she visited the Prefecture. Here, spring is now well installed. Lilacs and wisterias in bloom embalm the air of the gardens and streets around my home.

In your letter you ask me about Jun’s pictures if I agree with you they illustrate human dignity. Not only his portraits show the self-esteem of the inhabitants of Suetsugi, but the scenes of everyday life also highlight the connection of these people with the habits and customs and the land that carries them. It took me a lot of time to understand that dignity is not only a question of self-esteem, autonomy and respect for each other, but also a matter of agreement with a culture. This dimension is certainly the one that is the most difficult to grasp.

It is by reading the 'Hiroshima Notes ' by Kenzaburo Oe, while the ETHOS project was developing, that I realized dignity was also at the centre of what was at stake in the Chernobyl post-accident situation. O? evokes in his book the humiliation and shame of the hibakushas physically marked by the bomb who 'hide themselves deep in their dark homes to escape the gaze of the other.' Then he points out the effort he described as ‘superhuman' on the part of those who still live in Hiroshima and have not given up to speak of the tragedy they experienced and the hopes they still have in a world without nuclear weapons. And it is in this insistence to testify that he says he discovered the dignity of the people of Hiroshima.

Relatively speaking, the situation of the inhabitants of Olmany had similarities with that of the hibakusha: the widespread consciousness of being regarded as 'second category' citizens condemned to live in a devalued territory, exposed continuously to discrimination of outsiders, and also facing an involuntary form of contempt in the way authorities and experts, confused by a situation they did not master, are treating them. Hence a vague feeling of shame of being Olmanien which most often resulted by a withdrawal into oneself and the silence. In contrast, the inhabitants who had join us to try to find ways of improving living conditions in the village and therefore dared to speak, attested an obvious dignity. I think you will agree with me that we can find these traits in Fukushima. People who come to testify in the Dialogue meetings also show a great dignity because beyond the effort to face the audience, they must also overcome their feelings of anger, bitterness and even shame. I refer in particular to the lady who spoke at a Dialogue about her shame of having abandoned her home at the time of the accident. I imagine how much courage she had to dig deep herself to share that feeling. Not to mention of course the discrimination that these witnesses must also overcome.

That said, if it is certain that the issue of dignity is common to the after-bomb and the post-accident situations, I do not think we can put on the same level the situation of the hibakushas and the one of the inhabitants of the contaminated territories. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were deliberate attacks of the living with the atomization and the wounding of the body. Fukushima is a profound rupture that creates an unprecedented situation and profoundly changes the relationship of man to himself, to others and to his environment. The irruption of radioactivity in the vicinity of each individual, this unknown and feared presence, generates a feeling of helplessness, loss of control on daily life, which severely amputates individual autonomy and cast a lasting shadow over the future. This sense of exclusion, sometimes close to abandonment, combined with the inevitable discrimination, which is anchored in the look and the attitude of 'those in the outer' are the breeding ground of the loss of dignity felt by so many victims of the accident but rarely expressed as such.

Beyond the above considerations, it seems to me that the examination of the similarities and differences between Hiroshima / Nagasaki and Fukushima certainly deserves to be deepened.

I was very surprised by the fact that the dimension of discrimination has emerged very early in the Dialogues in Fukushima. It was present already in the third meeting in July 2012. You certainly remember this young mother of Kanagawa wondering aloud if she would accept his son marry later with a girl of Fukushima and the indignant reaction of this other young mother from Date city. I still remember perfectly the tension raised by their exchange and the intervention of Mayor Nishida to replace the issue in the context of the history of Japan. It was one of the very highlights of this Dialogue meeting.

Going back to the question of the link between dignity and culture that I mentioned above, I cannot resist to tell you an episode that happened at the end of the Ethos Project and that made me aware of this other aspect of dignity.

To close the ETHOS Project, which took place from July 1996 to November 2001 in the Stolyn District, we organized with the assistance of the Belarusian authorities and the European Commission an International Seminar of two days in the city of Stolyn to present the project results and to draw key lessons. The day after the seminar we also organized visits by small groups in different villages that participated in the project so that foreign colleagues, most of whom were discovering Belarus and the contaminated territories, meet villagers and have a more precise idea of the local situation. I decided to join the group visiting the village of Gorodnaya located on the border of Ukraine, who had participated in the second phase of the Project. When we arrived at the village square we dispersed and, accompanied by Neale an English colleague and Nina my interpreter, I went directly to visit a family with three children who were the most contaminated in the village when we initiated our approach.

It was a sunny Sunday in late autumn at midday. The streets were deserted. When we arrived at the house of Galina and Yvan located a little away from the village, I showed Neale the vegetable garden in which the family drew most of its livelihood and which was the pride of the couple. During a visit Yvan had proudly presented me the glass jars of vegetables and meat and also the pots of jam aligned for the winter in a small cellar dug under a part of the house. I also indicated Neale the nearby forest where the family had continued for more than a decade after the accident to pick berries and mushrooms in ignorance about the contamination.

We surprised Galina alone in her kitchen: her husband and children were gone for the day to visit family members in a nearby village she clarified a bit later. In her colourful Sunday best, the traditional scarf on her head, bare feet, she watched a batch of bread that was finishing to cook in the oven. After the usual greetings, I recounted briefly for Neale, how Galina and her husband Yvan had gradually regained control of the radiation situation with the help of the French colleagues. As a result, during the last WBC campaign the 3 family children were among the least contaminated kids of the school. I also told Galina that Neale was the person in charge at the European Commission, who had followed and supported the ETHOS Project since its origin. Visibly moved Galina stared at length Neale before thanking him warmly and then she pulled out a loaf of bread from the oven with a wooden shovel, wrapped it in a newspaper and presented it as an offering to Neale, saying: "God bless you”.

I will never forget this special moment. All seemed to agree: the simplicity of the place, the smell of hot bread, the sun bathing the impeccably tidy kitchen with an autumn light, the shimmering colours of the clothes worn by Galina. And at the centre of this painting there was the sweet face filled with emotion and recognition of this young lady now appeased and confident. I remembered then when I first met Galina. She stopped me on the village square at the exit of a meeting to ask why her children were not selected to go to the sanatorium with the other children of the school. She had a daughter by the hand. Her face betrayed anger but also anxiety. What a long way since then. Galina, standing in the middle of this so Belarusian kitchen, wasn't she personifying the regained dignity of some of the residents of the contaminated territories?

You also evoke in your letter your visit to the Bragin Museum and your confrontation with the memory of Vassily Ignatenko, one of the firefighters victim of radiation. During the CORE program, I often visited the room of the museum that brings together some photos of him as well as remains of equipment worn by firefighters at the time of the accident. Likewise I repeatedly stopped before the memorial of the disaster in the centre of Bragin where Vasily Ignatenko bust is erected in the middle of a series of steles bearing the names of the missing villages of the District.

Then I was again confronted unexpectedly to Vasily Ignatenko in September 2012 during a visit of the Hospital No. 6 in Moscow specialized in the treatment of highly irradiated persons where he had been hospitalized after the accident. I saw the WBC box in which he was measured on arrival at the hospital and the room in which he had been decontaminated. I had trouble concentrating on the explanations because my thoughts always brought me back to Bragin, where the memory of Vasily Ignatenko is the most alive. Finally emotion took over and I do not remember much about the technical aspects of that visit!

Recently I learned from my Russian colleague of the Main Commission of the ICRP that Professor Angelina Guskova, a leading figure of radiation protection, had just died at the age of 91. It was she who had treated Vasily Ignatenko at Hospital No. 6 and tried in vain to save him. This specialist of acute radiation syndrome that I had the opportunity to meet only twice during my career, not only was an outstanding scientist but also a person of great humanity. With her passing a new page of the Chernobyl tragedy is turned.

I hope we will have the opportunity to discuss again in future letters or face to face about the Bragin Museum and particularly the way it was renovated thanks to the CORE Program.

Looking forward to reading your next letter.
Kind regards.

May 5, 2015

Dear Ryoko,
I just read again several times the text of the presentation you gave at the Seminar on the ethics of radiological protection at the beginning of this month.

I thank you again for writing it because it provides an important testimony concerning one of the major difficulties radiation protection experts, and obviously the authorities following their advice, are facing to manage the situation resulting from severe nuclear accidents such as Chernobyl or Fukushima. They need to quickly take steps to protect in the best way those affected taking into account the levels of radioactivity to which they are exposed. To do this they rely on estimates or measurements to establish standards expressed as figures which in the first instance mean absolutely nothing to people.

Then, as you well describe these standards, that are supposed to improve the situation, quickly become a blocking factor. They turn into "lines", as you call them, which deplete everyday life, and even mutilate and paralyze it. The whole issue of rehabilitation then becomes how to overcome these lines

Experience shows that it is only by developing step by step with the people what we have called afterwards the "practical radiological protection culture" that it is possible to restore decent living conditions. This is the observation, made in the early nineties in Ukraine and Belarus, of the deleterious effects of radiological protection standards that lead us in the Ethos Project to focus on the rehabilitation of living conditions, protection against radiation being considered as only one dimension of the problem.

Obviously, the difficulty to access to this culture is that there is no perceptible reality of radioactivity. Its presence can only be revealed by means of measurements, that is to say, via figures. When we measure the ambient temperature we can establish a link between the figure we read and what we feel physically. With the radioactivity there is no possible link with a feeling. We have to rely on others, in other words through speaking. This is where the issue of trust in the word of the others is one of the essential dimensions of the post-accident situation.

You rightly mentioned in your text the key role of measurement and discussion to initiate the process of re-appropriation of everyday life and thus to allow everyone to find a space of freedom in which he or she can again go about his or her business and act according to his or her inclinations and aspirations. Experience shows that this process necessarily involves the community. Beyond the acquisition of an individual capacity and expertise, the practical radiological protection culture is also a common good. In this respect the dynamic that deployed in Suetsugi very well exemplifies this dual individual and collective dimension.

It is this collective dimension that gradually organizes itself, which endup taking over in the rehabilitation process. This is something that I understood when a farmer of Olmany whom I asked if she had recently measured the milk of her cow replied to me with detachment "No, because my neighbour measured the milk of her cow and it is of good quality". To understand her answer obviously one had to know that her cow was in the same herd as the cow of her neighbour. Hence in passing, this anecdote demonstrates the importance for the "experts" to know local customs, namely in this case that the cows were grouped by village area in herds that were grazing always in the same pasture.

In her response, the brave farmer, who had also been involved for several years like no other in the working groups of the Project Ethos, meant that she had not lowered the guard but she was now relying on the shared vigilance by the villagers. After long years of personal anxiety and disintegration of the village community, Anna, this was the name of this farmer, had finally found again confidence in herself and in others.

At the end of your text you mention the difficulty of moving "lines" for those who reside outside of the Prefecture. Indeed in the absence of personal involvement in the appropriation of the radiological situation alongside those who reside in the affected territories, it is very difficult to change the mental patterns, which froze at the time of the accident. I know people in Belarus who still refuse, almost 30 years after the accident, to visit the territories that were considered administratively contaminated in the eighties and nineties, and no longer present any danger. Some young people born after the accident have never even set foot in these territories which represent almost 25% of the surface of their country.

Finally, you point out how authorities do not really realize the often disastrous consequences on people's lives and on the quality of the living together that the introduction of radiological protection standards may induce. This is not only true following a nuclear accident, but also for other exposure situations to radiation encountered in everyday life. I wonder for a long time on what could be a radiological protection that reconciles the imperatives of science and the respect for human dignity. I feel that your experience since the disaster is from this point of view the most valuable.

On a beautiful, hot day of the beginning of summer.

Sincerely Yours.


June 29, 2015

The English Translation by T.A. (thanks to K.N)
(英訳|by T.A. Thanks to K.N)
〔*〕現存被ばく状況 [Existing exposure situation] ―― 「自然バックグラウンド放射線やICRP勧告の範囲外で実施されていた過去の行為の残留物などを含む、管理に関する決定をしなければならない時点で既に存在する状況」 ("ICRP Publ. 103, The 2007 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection"(2007年勧告)邦訳の用語解説、G4 http://www.icrp.org/docs/P103_Japanese.pdf


● 計画被ばく状況。これは線源の計画的な導入と操業に伴う状況である。(このタイプの被ばく状況には、これまで行為として分類されてきた状況が含まれる。)

● 緊急時被ばく状況。これは計画的状況における操業中、又は悪意ある行動により発生するかもしれない、至急の注意を要する予期せぬ状況である。

● 現存被ばく状況。これは自然バックグラウンド放射線に起因する被ばく状況のように、管理に関する決定をしなければならない時点で既に存在する被ばく状況である。


● 正当化の原則:放射線被ばくの状況を変化させるようなあらゆる決定は、害よりも便益が大となるべきである。

● 防護の最適化の原則:被ばくの生じる可能性、被ばくする人の数及び彼らの個人線量の大きさは、すべての経済的及び社会的要因を考慮に入れながら、合理的に達成できる限り低く保つべきである。

● 線量限度の適用の原則:患者の医療被ばく以外の、計画被ばく状況における規制された線源からのいかなる個人の総線量も、委員会が特定する適切な限度を超えるべきでない」(ICRP Publ. 103(2007年勧告)総括、邦訳p.xvii-xviii)

詳しくは、同文書(2007年勧告)の「6.3. 現存被ばく状況」(邦訳pp.70-72)参照。

また、『ICRP111から考えたこと――福島で「現存被曝状況」を生きる』には分かりやすい解説がある。とくに「第1回」の「現存被曝状況」:被曝と暮らす日常」参照。 http://www59.atwiki.jp/birdtaka/pages/23.html













――Workshops on the Ethics of the System of Radiological Protection
Supporting Task Group 94
2nd Asian Workshop
Jointly organised by Fukushima Medical University Fukushima and ICRP
Fukushima, Japan, June 2015
